Italy bike hotels

All the bike hotels in Italy that offer services for cyclists and bike lovers.

Choose a region

Emilia Romagna (1)

Piadine, sea and bicycle: three essential elements when speacking about Emilia Romagna
Emilia Romagna

Friuli-Venezia Giulia (1)

Montagne mitiche da scalare e piste ciclabili facili ma divertenti da percorrere: tutto questo è il Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Lazio (4)

Rome, but above all, hills and sea of an unconventional region to travel by bike

Liguria (2)

Between sea and mountains, paradise for challenge lovers who like to get postcards landscapes as prize

Piedmont (4)

From the hills of Monferrato to the Alps through cities like Turin... magic Piedmont

Sicily (1)

The largest island of Italy is a perfect destination for cycling all year round

Toscana (4)

Italian most famous region among ciclists and bicycle lovers: bike hotels and accomodations will welcome you warmly

Trentino Alto-Adige (6)

Between the Dolomites and the Garda Lake, a paradise for mountain bikers and cycling
Trentino Alto-Adige

Veneto (4)

A region for all tastes: from the sea to the mountains, from the plains to the hills

Some Bike Hotels

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